Monday, April 18, 2011

Voice Over "Salad"

Interesting and helpful VO news and information posted by Dave Courvoisier in his blog Salmagundi :

Salmagundi "…a hodgepodge or mix of widely disparate things…” usually in relation to a salad presentation, but I was just tired of the word “potpourri”.

You would truly have to be living in a cave to NOT feel the wave of VO information washing over you these days. However, I know there are some social media holdouts among you, so the following is a quick list of links and summaries of some “disparate things” I found on the internet lately that defy categorization other than “VO Salmagundi”.

1) VO friend Matt Cowlrick dropped a link on FB about Interesting and simple site revealing what looks like a diagram for a whisper room.

3) Speaking of which, another VO acquaintance, just finished his new recording studio, and he posted a video of it on YouTube: See Darren Altman’s new digs at this YouTube Link.

3) Dan Friedmann of ProComm writes to say: “…Just wanted to announce that SOUNDADVICEVO and SOUNDADVICE – Voiceover have changed to SOUND4VO! He’s referring to his FaceBook page. Dan’s a good one to stay on top of. He’s written a book with great advice about audio production, and he was a big hit at FaffCon2.

4) Stephen James Smith directs your attention to NOLA by saying: TO non-profits worldwide seeking voice actors pro bono for PSAs: NOLA Voice Talent is here to help. Check out the NOLA Voice Talent Foundation. Maybe you can help.

5) Synthopia is offering a free library of 1,000 free sound files and loops (and there are other free offers on this page). As far as I can tell there are no strings attached to this offer.

6) Click here to listen to WOR’s Valerie Smaldone’s podcast featuring an interview with top Vo Pro Joe Cipriano.

7) Cair0, Egypt-based VO talent Mahmoud Taji posts his Embarrassing Twitter Confessions on VU, which is actually an excellent review of Twitter/Social Media etiquette.

8) A article on whether SAG and AFTRA will finally merge.

9) OK, I think that’s about all I got…Oh!…one final thought: Do you keep a public calendar of your VO appointments so that potential clients can see your availability? That’s a suggestion made to me by the owner of a voice over studio, expressing frustration about scheduling.

Thanks for such a great recap, Dave!

Melanie Haynes

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